Saturday, October 23, 2010

4 major archaeological treasurers of Israel

So in addition to the engraved silver ammulates with the insription of Number 6:23 there is also housed what is known as the Tel Dan stele which is the only mention in the world of King David other than the bible.  This was found in the remains of an Assyrian King and thus proves King David's army fought in the Northern portion of Israel, acutally the North east region agains an Assyrian King.  Next was the actual ossuary of Caiaphas, the high priest who condemned Jesus and the original Pontius Pilate stone from Caesarea where he lived permanently. As before, he was needed in Jerusalem 3 times per year when those stiff necked, rebellious Jews were having their high holidays such as the big one, Passover.

I am attempting to attach relevant photographs. I was able to take a couple of pictures when the muesum guards told us they would look the other way for a proper consideration.  But this one bleach blonde tiger was unrelenting as a bird dog on a quail.  She wouldnt even allow us to video tape the ossuary, or the Pilate Stone.  However, due to modern marvels of he cell phone camera they items were captured but won't be displayed until someone with much more technical savvy gets ahold of my phone and this laptop


This is a photo of an acutal clay jar which was found in the caves of Qumran

Photo taken inside the Israeli museum of the acutal ad run in the New York Times depicting the sale of 4 Dead Sea Scrolls

Photo of the Military official and the antiquities  expert at the site of the caves

your guess is as good as mine
typical clay jar found in caves which preserved the scrolls


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