Friday, October 22, 2010

Mt. Carmel

Notice black stone at bottom from days of Christ
 Each panel is in a different language  ...
This is my favorite Hawaiian Pidgin ...
Pastor Lon baptizing a Pilgrim
Baptism site on Jordan River
View of Sea of Galiliee from Capernum
This photo is from the ruins of the church at Capernum.  I am attaching more which show the darker block from the time of Jesus and the light blocks from 400 years later all to preserve the synagoge and Peter's church
This is the boat found during the drought of 1986 in the Sea of Galiliee which has now been preserved.  This is the type of boat used during the time of Jesus.  They estimate this boat has been buried and preserved in mud for 2000 years
This morning we head west to Mt. Carmel which is where Elijah took on the prophets of Baal. Elijah was a royal pain to King Ahab and his foreign wife Jezebel.   Her undivided goal was to lead the people of the time away from the one true God.  Elijah hid from Ahab in Lebanon for some 3 years during a drought he had predicted.  Finally, he challenged the prophets of Baal who Jezebel worshiped at Mt. Carmel and invited all of Israel to come to the event.  All recall Elijah have the 450 prophets all morning to prepare and call down their god.  They even got to the point of beating and cutting themselves with the entire mocking support of Elijah.  Finally, he prepared his sacrificial fire, his bull and then asked that a trench be built and filled with water.  Then he asked for more and more water to soak his sacrifice, the wood and everything else to challenge the one true God.  Then will everyone watching he called on the power of the Lord and not only did it burn the sacrifice, but the water and even the dirt on which it was prepared.   Elijah then took the 850 prophets and personally killed all of them. 
From Mount Carmel, which is locate up from the sea north of Caesura  we travel by bus to the city of Megiddo located in the Israeli Highlands at the mouth of the Valley of Armageddon. This was one of King Solomon’s Chariot cities.  Egypt’s army invaded this area in 1468 and Moses well may have fought here.  King Josiah died here in 608 B, C.  This is the location where Satan will muster his army at the end of the tribulation for the march on Jerusalem. 
In touring the ruins, which are extensive, we saw the remains of a 3000 year old water system created by King Solomon which originated from a spring in the valley and water hauled up the mountain where it was stored, along with rain water collected for use during sieges by enemy combatants which were many, Outside the fortified city gates, is the place where non-citizens lived to be as close to protection as possible.  Also, just outside the gates is where the Judges would set to hear disputes between citizens and non-citizens.
The photos attached will show the extensive nature of the city.  These areas have been excavated 10-12 times and with each excavation new relics are found

Finally our last stop of the day is in Nazareth the city where Joseph and Mary lived and where the angel Gabriel appear to Mary and announced to her she would be the mother of the anticipated savior of the world Jesus.  Unlike Zechariah, husband of Elizabeth, who expressed doubt about his wife having a child due to both of their ages and thereafter he lost his ability to speak until John the Baptist was born, Mary never doubted Gabriel.  Of course, we all know the story in Luke where Mary visited her cousin Elizabeth and when the Holy Spirit sprang into life while John was still in his mother’s belly. 
So we visited one of the two sites celebrated as the sight of the annunciation.  The non-Catholics visit an Orthodox church which was built over the well in the city of Nazareth which is where almost all major events occurred. You will remember Moses met his wife at the well by seeing only her eyes but he put in 14 years of hard labor before he could marry her.  Jesus met the Samarian woman at the well.  Many, many important events of the bible occurred at the city well.

The Catholics have built the largest single church in the world in Nazareth over what is believed to be the house of Mary and Joseph.  Everyone is familiar with how the Catholic faith literally worshiping the Virgin Mary as is demonstrated by the artwork in the front yard of many members of the faith.  They have elevated Mary to be an equal to Jesus in their devotion.
While we were unable to visit the Catholic Church in Nazareth, we had a wonderful devotion service by Pastor Lon who is remarkable in making what seems a simple biblical event so very important when seen in the larger context.
I trust this post and attached photos will finally be downloaded and available.  This has been a challenge due to the internet service at our hotel in Tiberius.

my bad, these are photos from 10.20.10 at Tagbtha, Capernum and Beatutides
this photo is from the Sea of Galiliee looking back to the Church of the Beatitudes which is just a small part of the grounds

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